79.4% of the population and 76% of business representatives in Ukraine consider corruption to be the second most important problem, surpassed only by Russian military aggression. This was revealed by the results of the study "Corruption in Ukraine 2024: Perception, Understanding, Prevalence," published by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC).
Assessments of the level of corruption in Ukraine in 2024 have significantly worsened. While 69.1% of citizens (+7.9 percentage points compared to 2023) and 57% of businesses (+10.7 percentage points) report an increase in corruption, pessimism among the population is more pronounced.
91.4% of citizens and 83.1% of business representatives believe that corruption in the country has intensified over the past year (by 3.5 and 1.8 percentage points more than in 2023). These trends have been observed since 2022.
The anti-corruption activities of government agencies received a lower rating, declining compared to 2023, but still exceeding the figures from 2021.
Despite the acknowledgment of widespread corruption, only 18.7% of citizens and 23.2% of businesses encountered corrupt practices in 2024.
The highest risks of encountering corruption, according to respondents, exist in the construction sector and land issues. A high level of corruption is also observed in healthcare, law enforcement agencies, service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, universities, and in the connection and maintenance of utilities.
Among entrepreneurs, customs has ranked first in the list of the most corrupt sectors for the fourth consecutive year. High levels of corruption have also been recorded in the supply of utility resources, law enforcement agencies, and construction.
Additionally, 9.2% of the population and 4% of businesses have initiated corrupt relationships, while 18.3% of citizens and 11.6% of business representatives have fallen victim to corruption, facing demands for unofficial payments from representatives of power structures and organizations.
The study was conducted by Info Sapiens on behalf of the NAPC.