Sunday09 March 2025

Deposit for AMKU Head Kyrylenko: Who contributed 30 million?

Kirilенко stated that it was the first time he had heard the name of the company that provided a guarantee on his behalf, but he confirmed that he was acquainted with the businessman.
Залог главы АМКУ Кириленко: кто оплатил 30 миллионов?

Businessman Eduard Mkrtchan's company has posted a bail of 30 million UAH for the head of the Antimonopoly Committee, Pavel Kyrylenko, who is suspected of illegal enrichment. This was reported in an investigation by "Schemes" (Radio Liberty).

Journalists discovered that Mkrtchan's companies participate in government procurement and auctions, which are monitored for compliance with competition rules by the AMCU.

Kyrylenko himself stated that he had never heard of the company that posted bail for him, but confirmed his acquaintance with the businessman. When asked if he had asked Mkrtchan to pay the bail, the head of the AMCU called the question "provocative" and refused to answer.

For his part, Mkrtchan reported that he posted the bail on his own initiative, as he has been friends with Kyrylenko for a long time, and assured that he did not seek his help in resolving business matters.


The NABU and SAP have completed the investigation into the case of AMCU head Pavel Kyrylenko, who is suspected of illegal enrichment amounting to 72 million UAH and false declaration of assets.

The suspicion against Kyrylenko became known in August. Later, the High Anti-Corruption Court set his preventive measure as bail of over 30 million UAH.