In Ukraine, users and administrators of Telegram channels who disclose the locations of employees from military recruitment centers and police will be held accountable. This was stated by Alexander Fediienko, a member of the "Servant of the People" party, during a broadcast on the "KYIV24" channel.
Law enforcement will monitor the "Where are the summons?" chats and identify users by their phone numbers. They promise to take action against those obstructing the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under Article 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which carries a prison sentence of five to eight years.
Fediienko emphasized that the final decision rests with law enforcement. He added that sharing information about the whereabouts of military recruitment center employees or checkpoints is considered an obstruction to the Armed Forces of Ukraine's operations.
"If it is unclear who the administrator of such a Telegram bot is, law enforcement will try to track down those who reported the location," the MP pointed out.
In cases where a citizen of Ukraine passes by a checkpoint and reports this in a chatbot, law enforcement will attempt to determine their location.
"And in this way, they will further reach out to this citizen through their phone. Possibly to conduct a preventive conversation," Fediienko concluded.
Recall that there was a conflict in Zaporizhzhia between civilians and military recruitment officers. A soldier decided to fire a shot into the air when he was pushed, but those around him were not frightened and did not disperse.
The Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine previously reminded about the penalties for media workers and bloggers who disseminate "speculative materials" regarding the actions of military recruitment centers. Journalists and bloggers may become subjects of criminal cases for obstructing the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.