Monday17 February 2025

The business sector urges the government to extend the deadlines for updating criticality and reservations.

The European Business Association (EBA) is urging the government to extend the current reservations by two months and to move the deadline for critical updates to April 30.
Бизнес обращается к правительству с просьбой продлить сроки обновления критичности и резервирования.

This was reported by EBA.

"This is due to the fact that after the cyberattacks at the end of 2024 and the prolonged recovery of the state registers for the reservation system, most importantly, the provision of companies with critical status has not been operational all this time. Additionally, the halt of the registers resulted in a significant delay in the approval of industry and regional criteria by various governmental bodies," the statement reads.

As noted on the EBA website, this has led to a significant backlog of applications for obtaining such status at the level of ministries and local authorities. It is evident that by February 28, the state apparatus will not be able to process all applications and grant the relevant status to all truly critical enterprises.

Moreover, the legal gap in the criteria and the process for granting critical status regarding the submission of tax reporting for the 4th quarter of 2024, as EBA believes, may result in a high number of refusals to provide such status.

This concerns the fact that applications for critical status are submitted in January, while the tax reporting for the 4th quarter of 2024 is due in the second half of February.

"Consequently, urgent changes need to be made to the criteria and the process for granting critical status, specifically allowing the submission of reports for the last reporting period for which the deadlines established by the Tax Code have been exhausted, particularly to submit the report for the 3rd quarter of 2024 during January and February 2025," the statement continues.


From December 1, 2024, new rules for determining criticality for enterprises came into effect. Until February 28, 2025, all critically important enterprises will need to confirm their status according to the new criteria.