By March 31, Ukrainian public officials are required to declare the funds received in 2024 under the "National Cashback" program, which provides a 10% refund on expenses for goods and services produced in Ukraine. This information is reported on the government services portal "Diia".
Although these payments are not subject to taxation and do not affect the application for subsidies or benefits, it is mandatory for officials to declare all income through the Declaration Registry on the website of the NACP.
Other citizens of Ukraine who received payments from government social programs do not need to submit a declaration.
1. In the banking institution's app, you need to generate a statement of the funds credited to the special account.
2. In section 11 "Income, including gifts," indicate the type of income as "other";
3. In section 12.1 "Bank Accounts," you should specify the financial institution where the account for receiving cashback was opened.
Funds received under the “Winter eSupport” program are declared in a similar manner.
We remind you that the state program "National Cashback" allows donations for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.