Wednesday12 March 2025

Couples struggling with infertility in Ukraine can receive free assistance to conceive. Discover how to take advantage of this program (video).

Assistance in reproductive technologies is available to Ukrainians regardless of their place of registration or residence. The program is implemented in medical facilities that have entered into the appropriate agreements with the National Health Service of Ukraine (NSZU).
В Украине пары с бесплодием могут получить бесплатную помощь для зачатия: узнайте, как воспользоваться программой (видео).

Ukrainians can take advantage of free artificial insemination technologies at the Lviv Perinatal Center. Medical assistance for conceiving a child is provided to women aged 18 to 40 and men diagnosed with "infertility," as stated by the center's director, Maria Malachinska, during a broadcast on "Kyiv24."

Residents from any region can utilize the services of assisted reproductive technologies at the Lviv Perinatal Center, regardless of their place of registration and residence.

"The service includes a complete cycle of assistance, covering medication support, stimulation, follicle aspiration (the extraction of eggs from a woman’s body for fertilization — ed.), the fertilization process, embryo transfer (the transfer of the embryo to the uterus — ed.), and storage," explained Maria Malachinska.

The medical services package from the National Health Service of Ukraine at the Lviv Perinatal Center also includes pregnancy support after confirmation, its management, and childbirth. Women up to 40 years old can take advantage of this service.

"If a woman is 40 years old at the start of treatment, she can begin the treatment cycle completely free of charge, provided she has been examined and diagnosed with 'infertility,'" noted the center's director.

She added that the medical institution also assists couples where the male partner has the "infertility" diagnosis.

If pregnancy does not occur on the first attempt, the couple can receive a second chance for free assistance within a year.

A list of medical institutions that have signed agreements with the NHS of Ukraine for public health services can be found on the official website of the service.

On December 19, media reported the birth of the first child conceived using the revolutionary Fertilo fertilization technology.