Wednesday12 March 2025

For the first time, Ukraine's budget has received funds from fish catch auctions.

For the first time in history, funds have been allocated to Ukraine's state budget for fish stocking in water bodies, generated from auctions for industrial fishing. Previously, this money was only directed to local budgets.
Впервые в бюджет Украины поступили средства от аукционов на вылов рыбы.

The information was announced by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Vitaliy Koval.

According to him, the new budget program "Measures for the Replenishment of Aquatic Biological Resources in Fisheries Water Bodies" has already received 3.38 million UAH from the results of auctions for the sale of rights to the special use of aquatic biological resources in 2025.

"This is a significant event for Ukrainian aquaculture. These funds will serve as a foundation for restoring fish populations, increasing the fish productivity of water bodies, preserving biodiversity, and biological remediation," - noted Vitaliy Koval.

The minister also emphasized that this is one of the consistent steps of the Ministry within the framework of the import substitution policy, ensuring that products purchased by state institutions in Ukraine are produced domestically.

Let us remind you:

The State Fisheries Agency has published 53 announcements regarding auctions for the industrial catch of aquatic biological resources on the electronic trading system "Prozorro.Sales"..