Thursday13 March 2025

In Marganets, vandals have damaged the memorial dedicated to the fallen defenders of Ukraine (PHOTOS).

Vandals damaged the memorial flags honoring the fallen heroes.
В Марганце вандалы повредили мемориал в честь погибших защитников Украины (ФОТО)

At night in Marhanets, unknown individuals destroyed the flags erected in memory of fallen soldiers. A photo of the vandalized memorial was shared in the Facebook community "GO Rodyni Heroiv Marhantsia" by the mother of one of the fallen Heroes, Anna Zenina, reports "Vidomo".

"The flags, established in honor of our fallen Heroes, are not just a sign of respect for them, but also a reminder for all of us of their sacrifice. They remind us that our freedom and independence were gained at the cost of their lives.

Recently, we have been painfully noticing how these symbols of memory are being destroyed. For us, the parents, these are not just material objects – they are a part of our sons' souls. Each damaged flag is a wound inflicted on our hearts," the woman writes.

The perpetrators are already being sought.

"We ask you to maintain respect for the established symbols of memory. If you see someone destroying these signs, do not stand aside – intervene, explain, warn. Only together can we preserve the memory of our Heroes and pass it on to the next generation.

Thank you to everyone who supports us during this difficult time. The memory of our sons will live on as long as we cherish it," called the parents of the fallen soldiers.